venerdì 18 ottobre 2013

How to set default JVM in Ubuntu

Just type:
sudo update-alternatives --config java
And choose the right vm..
This is it! 

sabato 18 maggio 2013

HDeos Launched on Google Play

HDeos is An android application that allows you to watch full HD videos, without Adobe Flash Player and without advertisements. HDeos offer a resolution switcher as the desktop version of Youtube: in this way, you can enjoy the HD resolution directly from your mobile! You can search directly your preferred HD videoor simply pasting youtube's URL.

    If you want to know more, you can visit the page on google play HDeos

martedì 26 marzo 2013

HDeos - enjoy full HD Youtube video directly from your mobile .. for a lot of devices ( IPhone , IPad , Android..)

Hello world!!
These last two months I worked on an interesting project. You know that the mobile version of youtube, doesn't support a pure HD video streaming; it seems that it doesn't offer a 720 - 1080 switcher like the desktop version. So my question was: why?? I don't know, there are a lot of answer, maybe can be related to hardware capabilities.. ok but 1 years ago!

Now more than the half of mobile user have device with high capabilities, and want to join the real High Definition. So I thought to develop a simple web app that allows you to watch youtube video in high definition, naturally only if youtube provide HD videos.

You can think "Ok, but I need Adobe Flash Player" .. the positive answer is NOT. You can stream your favourite youtube videos without using the (heavy-weight) adobe flash player.

You can test this web app connecting to . You can use directly the entire url of youtube or search your favourite video through the search field, and simply switch to 720 - 1080 if provided. I hope it works, I tested it with android (ICS and JB) and with an iphone 5 and an ipad 2. In the latter two case it seems to support the 1080 playback.

So now connect to HDeos and enjoy it!!!!